CNY Family Reunion Dinner

Every year our family reunion dinner is an early family affair, at least 2 to 3 weeks before Chinese New Year. The reason being – many restaurants and eateries would be full house on Chinese New Year Eve. My parents-in-law are the main decision makers for the date and choice of place. Well at least it’s earlier than never. Our usual place – a retro, casual, old-school style coffee shop in Keong Saik Road. The food were above average and it’s their warm and friendly service that keep the regulars coming back. You might need to make reservation for weekend dinner, especially during festive seasons.


The menu are also pasted on the wall – old-school style and such coffee shop is becoming a rare sight in Singapore.

We had a delightful dinner. Here are some pictures of us and the food we ordered, although I didn’t take pictures of all of them because I was too hungry. It’s time to tuck-in and enjoy!



Cristalle posing for the camera, with my sister-in-law and parents-in-law.


Hubby looks very tired and weird in this picture. His new hair cut is not doing any justice… teeheee (✖╭╮✖)
That’s alright, we had a great time get together and we’re looking forward to more!

While on our way to 100am, something caught our attention…


Is that a horse or more like a ram / sheep?

Lastly, I can’t help it and just have to post this dessert – it’s so sweet but it’s very tasty. I love the generous serving of the grass jelly and chunky mango bites.

CNY-10 CNY-11

~ ArieLCandy 2014 ~

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